How To Help Students With Dyslexia: A Teacher's Guide

Discover effective strategies for supporting dyslexic students in the classroom with tips on individualized instruction and multisensory learning from The Fidget Game.
How To Help Students With Dyslexia: A Teacher's Guide

Key Takeaways:

  • Multisensory Approaches: Engaging multiple senses in the learning process enhances comprehension and retention for students with dyslexia.
  • Supportive Environment: Creating a positive and inclusive classroom atmosphere fosters confidence and success in students with dyslexia.
  • Educational Tools: Utilizing specialized games and resources can make learning more effective and enjoyable for students with dyslexia.


The Fidget Game offers a distinctive approach to learning through the use of multisensory, game-based methods. Our tools are specifically designed to support all students, with particular attention to those with dyslexia. Based on the Science of Reading, our techniques are developed to improve reading and math skills. This approach is engaging and highly effective in promoting student learning. By incorporating these tools, we strive to make education more accessible and enjoyable for every learner.

This guide will cover strategies for recognizing and supporting students with dyslexia. We will discuss effective teaching techniques specifically tailored to meet these students' needs. Additionally, we will explain how to utilize educational games and tools to foster an inclusive classroom environment. 

By implementing these strategies, educators can create a more supportive and effective learning experience for all students. This guide aims to equip teachers with the knowledge and resources to enhance their educational practices.

Understanding Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a common learning difference that primarily affects reading and related language-based processing skills. It is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities. These challenges are often unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities and the provision of effective classroom instruction. Understanding that dyslexia is not related to intelligence but rather to how the brain processes written language is crucial for developing effective teaching strategies.

To support children with dyslexia, consider engaging them with fun and educational activities like The Fidget Game, which promotes focus and cognitive skills in an enjoyable way.

Recognizing The Signs Of Dyslexia

  • Difficulty with Phonemic Awareness: Students with dyslexia often struggle with phonemic awareness, which is the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate individual sounds in spoken words. This can manifest as difficulty recognizing rhyming words or breaking words into individual sounds.
  • Trouble Reading Words Accurately and Fluently: A hallmark of dyslexia is difficulty reading words accurately and fluently. Students may read slowly and make frequent mistakes, affecting their ability to understand the text they are reading.
  • Poor Spelling: Spelling is often a significant challenge for students with dyslexia. They may spell words phonetically, resulting in numerous spelling errors, or they may struggle to remember the correct spelling of common words.
  • Difficulty Remembering Sequences: Students with dyslexia may have trouble remembering sequences such as the alphabet, days of the week, or multiplication tables. This can impact their performance in various academic areas.
  • Strong Listening Comprehension Skills: Interestingly, students with dyslexia often have strong listening comprehension skills. They may understand and recall spoken information much better than written information, which can be a clue for teachers when identifying dyslexia.


Recognizing The Signs Of Dyslexia

Effective Teaching Strategies For Students With Dyslexia

Individualized Instruction

Tailoring instruction to meet the unique needs of each student with dyslexia is crucial. This involves assessing each student's specific challenges and strengths and designing interventions that target those areas. Individualized instruction can include one-on-one tutoring, small group instruction, and personalized learning plans. Regular progress monitoring helps to adjust strategies and ensure that students are making gains.

Multisensory Teaching Methods

Multisensory teaching methods engage multiple senses simultaneously, which can help reinforce learning for students with dyslexia. Techniques incorporating visual, auditory, and kinesthetic-tactile elements can make learning more effective. For example, using letter tiles, sand trays, or apps that combine sound and movement can help students grasp concepts more firmly. These methods can improve reading, spelling, and comprehension skills by providing multiple pathways to the brain.

Structured Literacy Programs

Structured literacy programs are evidence-based approaches focusing on explicit, systematic teaching of phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. These programs break down reading into smaller, manageable components and teach them in a logical, sequential order. This method contrasts with less structured approaches that may not provide the repetition and explicit instruction students with dyslexia need.

Incorporating Educational Games And Tools

Benefits Of Educational Games

Educational games can make learning fun and engaging for students with dyslexia. These games provide a low-pressure environment where students can practice skills repeatedly without the fear of failure. Students are more likely to stay motivated and interested by turning learning into a game. Games can also provide immediate feedback, helping students recognize and correct mistakes in real time.

Examples Of Effective Games

Games focusing on phonics, sight words, and basic math skills can be particularly beneficial. For example, card games that require students to match letters and sounds, or board games that incorporate math challenges can reinforce key concepts. Digital games designed for educational purposes often include levels and rewards that encourage continuous practice. These games can be tailored to individual student needs, allowing personalized learning experiences.

Integrating Games Into The Curriculum

Teachers can integrate educational games into their daily lesson plans to reinforce concepts taught in class. Games can be used as a warm-up activity, a reinforcement tool, or a reward for completing assignments. They can also be incorporated into group activities, fostering collaboration and communication among students. Teachers can create a dynamic and interactive learning environment by strategically using games.

Tools And Resources From The Fidget Game

The Fidget Game offers a variety of educational tools and resources designed to support students with dyslexia. Their products include multisensory games and activities that align with the Science of Reading. These tools are designed to enhance reading and math skills through engaging, hands-on learning experiences. Teachers can utilize these resources to supplement their instruction and support students with dyslexia.

Tools And Resources From The Fidget Game

Creating A Supportive Classroom Environment

Establishing A Positive Atmosphere

Creating a classroom environment that is supportive and positive is crucial for students with dyslexia. Encouraging a growth mindset where mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities can boost students' confidence. Celebrating small achievements and providing positive reinforcement can help build self-esteem. It's important to foster an inclusive atmosphere where all students feel valued and understood.

Providing Accommodations And Modifications

Offering appropriate accommodations can significantly aid students with dyslexia. This might include extended time on tests, providing written and oral instructions, and allowing the use of assistive technology. Modifications to assignments, such as reducing the reading load or offering alternative formats for demonstrating knowledge, can also be beneficial. These adjustments help level the playing field and give students the tools they need to succeed.

Promoting Peer Support

Encouraging peer support and collaboration can create a more inclusive classroom environment. Pairing students with peer buddies for reading or group projects can provide social and academic benefits. Peer tutoring programs can also be effective, allowing students to learn from and support each other. This approach fosters a sense of community and mutual respect among students.

Encouraging Self-Advocacy

Teaching students with dyslexia to advocate for their needs is an important part of their development. Encouraging them to express their challenges and seek help when needed can empower them and build their independence. Providing opportunities for students to practice self-advocacy, such as discussing their learning preferences or participating in setting their learning goals, can be very beneficial. This skill is critical for their long-term academic and personal success.

Continuing Education And Professional Development

Importance Of Ongoing Training

Continuing education and professional development are essential for teachers to stay informed about the latest research and strategies for supporting students with dyslexia. Regular training helps teachers develop new skills and refine existing ones, ensuring they can provide the best possible instruction. Staying updated on best practices allows teachers to address the diverse needs of their students effectively.

Participating In Workshops And Seminars

Attending workshops and seminars focused on dyslexia and related topics can provide valuable insights and practical strategies. These events offer opportunities to learn from experts, share experiences with peers, and gain hands-on experience with new teaching tools and methods. Workshops can cover various topics, from multisensory teaching techniques to using technology in the classroom.

Accessing Online Resources And Courses

Many online resources and courses are available to help teachers improve their understanding and skills in working with students with dyslexia. Websites, webinars, and online courses can provide flexible and accessible professional development options. Teachers can learn at their own pace and access a wealth of information on the latest research and instructional strategies.

Joining Professional Organizations

Joining professional organizations dedicated to dyslexia and special education can provide ongoing support and resources. Organizations like the International Dyslexia Association (IDA) offer memberships that include access to research, professional development opportunities, and a community of educators. Being part of such organizations helps teachers stay connected and informed about the latest advancements in the field.

Final Thoughts

Supporting students with dyslexia requires using effective strategies and resources. Teachers can make a significant impact by adopting multisensory, individualized, and structured approaches, such as incorporating tools like The Fidget Game, which enhance reading and math skills in an engaging way. A supportive classroom environment, coupled with encouragement of self-advocacy, helps students with dyslexia thrive. 

Ongoing professional development and access to specialized resources ensure educators stay updated with best practices, ultimately fostering a positive learning experience and boosting students' confidence and success both academically and personally.

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Frequently Asked Questions About How To Help Students With Dyslexia

What is dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a common learning difference that affects reading and related language-based processing skills. It is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and poor spelling and decoding abilities.

How can I recognize dyslexia in my students?

Students with dyslexia often struggle with phonemic awareness, reading words accurately and fluently, spelling, and remembering sequences. They might also show strong listening comprehension skills.

What teaching strategies are effective for students with dyslexia?

Effective strategies include individualized instruction, multisensory teaching methods, and structured literacy programs that provide explicit, systematic teaching of phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.

What are multisensory teaching methods?

Multisensory teaching methods engage multiple senses simultaneously, such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic-tactile elements. This approach can help reinforce learning and improve reading, spelling, and comprehension.

How can educational games help students with dyslexia?

Educational games provide a fun and engaging way for students to practice skills repeatedly without fearing failure. They offer immediate feedback and can be tailored to individual student needs.

What types of educational games are beneficial for students with dyslexia?

Games focusing on phonics, sight words, and basic math skills are particularly beneficial. These can include card games, board games, and digital games designed for educational purposes.

How can I create a supportive classroom environment for students with dyslexia?

Creating a positive atmosphere, providing appropriate accommodations, and promoting peer support can help create a supportive classroom environment. Encouraging a growth mindset and celebrating achievements are also important.

What accommodations can help students with dyslexia succeed?

Accommodations can include extended time on tests, providing written and oral instructions, using assistive technology, and modifying assignments to reduce the reading load or offer alternative formats.

Why is it important for students with dyslexia to learn self-advocacy?

Self-advocacy helps students express their challenges and seek help when needed. This skill empowers them and builds their independence, which is critical for long-term academic and personal success.

How can teachers stay updated on best practices for supporting students with dyslexia?

Teachers can stay updated by participating in ongoing training, attending workshops and seminars, accessing online resources and courses, and joining professional organizations dedicated to dyslexia and special education.

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